Ask Andy
 - Episode

Strategy for Success Even in a Struggling Market

The challenges of the freight market continue to plague the industry as carriers look for solutions. At Gulf Relay, we know how to ride the waves of uncertainty in freight because we have a history of combatting challenges with solutions that keep our drivers on the road. But how? Gulf Relay COO Andy Vanzant boils it down to three main strategies: Blocking and tackling, investing in your people, and building loyalty. Block and Tackle. In sports, the success of the team is determined by how each individual player fulfills their role. When times are hard, each team member needs to understand that when they do their job well, the whole team benefits. The same is true in freight.  Invest in your people. An uncertain economy scares people because they wonder if they will have a job in the future. That’s why it is important to be honest and transparent with your team and assure them that you have their back. Investing in them and equipping them to do their job is pivotal to success.Build loyalty. When freight is low, you find out who your friends are. When you do the job well and take care of your customer that builds trust and fosters a deep relationship. Years from now when the market bounced back, those same customers will remember their experience with you when times were tough. Challenges in the economy are nothing new. But how we continue to rise to the challenge will determine the success or failure of a company. That’s why at Gulf Relay we invest in our people to ensure we are delivering on our promises to take care of our customers.